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Electrical Engineering Technology Schools in the Northeast

In 2024, we ranked 112 schools offering electrical engineering technology majors in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

We rank Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA), Northeastern University (Boston, MA), and Trinity College (Hartford, CT) the top three electrical engineering schools in the Northeast.

See the best 50 electrical engineering colleges in the Northeast below or narrow your search by program, state, or city in the Northeast.

Top 50 electrical engineering schools in the Northeast:

Carnegie Mellon University - Electrical School Ranking
1. Carnegie Mellon University

Pittsburgh, PA, 1 electrical engineering program

Northeastern University - Electrical School Ranking
2. Northeastern University

Boston, MA, 1 electrical engineering program

Trinity College - Electrical School Ranking
3. Trinity College

Hartford, CT, 1 electrical engineering program

University of Massachusetts Amherst - Electrical School Ranking
4. University of Massachusetts Amherst

Amherst, MA, 1 electrical engineering program

Rochester Institute of Technology - Electrical School Ranking
5. Rochester Institute of Technology

Rochester, NY, 3 electrical engineering programs

CUNY City College - Electrical School Ranking
6. CUNY City College

New York City, NY, 1 electrical engineering program

University of Hartford - Electrical School Ranking
7. University of Hartford

West Hartford, CT, 3 electrical engineering programs

Johnson & Wales University Providence - Electrical School Ranking
8. Johnson & Wales University Providence

Providence, RI, 1 electrical engineering program

University of Maine - Electrical School Ranking
9. University of Maine

Orono, ME, 1 electrical engineering program

SUNY Polytechnic Institute - Electrical School Ranking
10. SUNY Polytechnic Institute

Utica, NY, 1 electrical engineering program

Wentworth Institute of Technology - Electrical School Ranking
11. Wentworth Institute of Technology

Boston, MA, 2 electrical engineering programs

Vermont Technical College - Electrical School Ranking
12. Vermont Technical College

Randolph, VT, 3 electrical engineering programs

Farmingdale State College - Electrical School Ranking
13. Farmingdale State College

Farmingdale, NY, 2 electrical engineering programs

CUNY New York City College of Technology - Electrical School Ranking
14. CUNY New York City College of Technology

Brooklyn, NY, 3 electrical engineering programs

SUNY College of Technology at Alfred - Electrical School Ranking
15. SUNY College of Technology

Alfred, NY, 4 electrical engineering programs

Villanova University - Electrical School Ranking
16. Villanova University

Villanova, PA, 2 electrical engineering programs

University of Massachusetts Lowell - Electrical School Ranking
17. University of Massachusetts Lowell

Lowell, MA, 2 electrical engineering programs

Central Connecticut State University - Electrical School Ranking
18. Central Connecticut State University

New Britain, CT, 1 electrical engineering program

Point Park University - Electrical School Ranking
19. Point Park University

Pittsburgh, PA, 1 electrical engineering program

Fairleigh Dickinson University Metropolitan - Electrical School Ranking
20. Fairleigh Dickinson University Metropolitan

Teaneck, NJ, 1 electrical engineering program

Kean University - Electrical School Ranking
21. Kean University

Union, NJ, 1 electrical engineering program

New England Institute of Technology - Electrical School Ranking
22. New England Institute of Technology

East Greenwich, RI, 3 electrical engineering programs

Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology - Electrical School Ranking
23. Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology

Flushing, NY, 3 electrical engineering programs

Pennsylvania College of Technology - Electrical School Ranking
24. Pennsylvania College of Technology

Williamsport, PA, 1 electrical engineering program

Thomas Edison State University - Electrical School Ranking
25. Thomas Edison State University

Trenton, NJ, 2 electrical engineering programs

SUNY College of Technology at Delhi - Electrical School Ranking
26. SUNY College of Technology

Delhi, NY, 1 electrical engineering program

Excelsior University - Electrical School Ranking
27. Excelsior University

Albany, NY, 3 electrical engineering programs

SUNY Buffalo State University - Electrical School Ranking
28. SUNY Buffalo State University

Buffalo, NY, 1 electrical engineering program

Washington County Community College - Electrical School Ranking
29. Washington County Community College

Calais, ME, 1 electrical engineering program

SUNY College of Technology at Canton - Electrical School Ranking
30. SUNY College of Technology

Canton, NY, 2 electrical engineering programs

Hudson Valley Community College - Electrical School Ranking
31. Hudson Valley Community College

Troy, NY, 4 electrical engineering programs

DeVry University New Jersey - Electrical School Ranking
32. DeVry University New Jersey

Iselin, NJ, 2 electrical engineering programs

DeVry College of New York - Electrical School Ranking
33. DeVry College of New York

New York City, NY, 2 electrical engineering programs

College of Staten Island CUNY - Electrical School Ranking
34. College of Staten Island CUNY

Staten Island, NY, 2 electrical engineering programs

Pennsylvania Western University - Electrical School Ranking
35. Pennsylvania Western University

California, PA, 3 electrical engineering programs

University of New Hampshire at Manchester - Electrical School Ranking
36. University of New Hampshire

Manchester, NH, 1 electrical engineering program

Eastern Nazarene College - Electrical School Ranking
37. Eastern Nazarene College

Quincy, MA, 1 electrical engineering program

Island Drafting and Technical Institute - Electrical School Ranking
38. Island Drafting and Technical Institute

Amityville, NY, 1 electrical engineering program

Benjamin Franklin Cummings Institute of Technology - Electrical School Ranking
39. Benjamin Franklin Cummings Institute of Technology

Boston, MA, 1 electrical engineering program

Johnson College - Electrical School Ranking
40. Johnson College

Scranton, PA, 1 electrical engineering program

Nassau Community College - Electrical School Ranking
41. Nassau Community College

Garden City, NY, 1 electrical engineering program

Pittsburgh Technical College - Electrical School Ranking
42. Pittsburgh Technical College

Oakdale, PA, 1 electrical engineering program

Erie Institute of Technology - Electrical School Ranking
43. Erie Institute of Technology

Erie, PA, 2 electrical engineering programs

CUNY Queensborough Community College - Electrical School Ranking
44. CUNY Queensborough Community College

Bayside, NY, 1 electrical engineering program

YTI Career Institute York - Electrical School Ranking
45. YTI Career Institute York

York, PA, 1 electrical engineering program

Southern Maine Community College - Electrical School Ranking
46. Southern Maine Community College

South Portland, ME, 1 electrical engineering program

Eastern Maine Community College - Electrical School Ranking
47. Eastern Maine Community College

Bangor, ME, 1 electrical engineering program

Asnuntuck Community College - Electrical School Ranking
48. Asnuntuck Community College

Enfield, CT, 1 electrical engineering program

Middlesex College - Electrical School Ranking
49. Middlesex College

Edison, NJ, 2 electrical engineering programs

Dutchess Community College - Electrical School Ranking
50. Dutchess Community College

Poughkeepsie, NY, 1 electrical engineering program

Electrical engineering technology schools in the Northeast by state:

Schools by State10 Electrical Engineering Schools in Connecticut6 Electrical Engineering Schools in Maine15 Electrical Engineering Schools in Massachusetts3 Electrical Engineering Schools in New Hampshire16 Electrical Engineering Schools in New Jersey35 Electrical Engineering Schools in New York23 Electrical Engineering Schools in Pennsylvania3 Electrical Engineering Schools in Rhode Island1 Electrical Engineering Schools in Vermont

Electrical engineering schools in other regions:

Midwest: 162 schools
Northwest: 26 schools
South: 255 schools
Southeast: 189 schools
West: 88 schools

Popular electrical school cities in the Northeast:

in Connecticut:
Bridgeport: 2 schools
East Windsor: 1 school
Enfield: 1 school
Hamden: 1 school
New Britain: 2 schools
Shelton: 1 school
Waterbury: 2 schools
West Hartford: 1 school
in Maine:
Bangor: 1 school
Calais: 1 school
Fairfield: 1 school
Orono: 1 school
Presque Isle: 1 school
South Portland: 1 school
in Massachusetts:
Boston: 5 schools
Springfield: 1 school
in New Hampshire:
Laconia: 1 school
Manchester: 2 schools
in New Jersey:
Blackwood: 2 schools
Edison: 1 school
Hackensack: 1 school
Mahwah: 1 school
Paterson: 2 schools
Toms River: 1 school
Trenton: 1 school
Union: 2 schools
in New York:
Albany: 1 school
Alfred: 1 school
Bayside: 1 school
Brooklyn: 1 school
Buffalo: 3 schools
Canton: 1 school
Corning: 1 school
Delhi: 1 school
Farmingdale: 1 school
Flushing: 1 school
Garden City: 1 school
Long Island City: 1 school
Poughkeepsie: 1 school
Queensbury: 1 school
Rochester: 2 schools
Syracuse: 1 school
Troy: 1 school
Utica: 2 schools
Vestal: 1 school
Whitestone: 1 school
in Pennsylvania:
Allentown: 1 school
Bethlehem: 2 schools
Bristol: 1 school
California: 1 school
Collegeville: 1 school
Erie: 1 school
Falls Creek: 1 school
Forty Fort: 1 school
Greensburg: 1 school
Harrisburg: 1 school
Hermitage: 1 school
Lancaster: 1 school
Media: 2 schools
Nanticoke: 1 school
New Castle: 1 school
Oakdale: 1 school
Pittsburgh: 5 schools
Reading: 1 school
Scranton: 1 school
Sunbury: 1 school
Uniontown: 1 school
Washington: 1 school
Williamsport: 1 school
York: 1 school
Youngwood: 1 school
in Rhode Island:
East Greenwich: 1 school
Kingston: 1 school
Providence: 1 school
in Vermont:
Randolph: 1 school
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